
Ghosts, ghouls, goblins, 

evil and good spirits hobbling and squabbling 

roaming and rounding streets tonight

In full moon's silvery twilight

flourishing their headlong play

Found in vaults, sheds, or bundles

as their legends grumbles

presenting themselves to gullible eyes

weird boogeyman uncertainties pries

Kale-butts, hay straws dampened dew

fruit rinds, and puns

mirrors showing what wonders may brew

Doors, and gates they open, close, and swing

troubles ridden moonbeams flickering dings

their adventures, and incantations

fondess notes their insights hasten

Haven't we all heard, or seen

mysterious sounds and movements, been

thinking them to be done by invisible impish pranksters

Lurking in shadows they always been

however this night they show themselves anew grims

if only we were but sixteen or younger

Halloween would be much more precious.


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