Nathaniel Fred Taylor

Nathaniel Fred Taylor Jr.

Notoriously beat up six cops, went to insane

Asylum in Witchia Falls, for three months

There labeled as paranoid schizophrenic

Had left Christianity's idealology

At age fifteen

Needed to work his yard like a mole 

Inherited his father's money

Even worked at Lawn Doctor and a tire shop

Lost his parents before he died

Fought his own demons

Rigorously, however they over-

Empowered him on occasion which

Demanded him to submit to their will.

Tender hearted and way too empathic

Afraid that afterlife was nothingness

Yearned to help solve local, world problems

Loved working on his vechiles, playing and 

     listening to music

On this rich, but must live like a pauper kick

Religously, a collective consciousness.

Joyfully died, with his family and dogs by

     his side

Realizing that he was truly loved.


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