Overcoming Life's Challenges by Rowdy Solomon and Eric Shelman

Overcoming Life's Challenges

Collaboration with Rowdy Solomon and Eric Shelman.

Remembering living poorly

always waiting on my stepdad's paycheck

always wanting to meet and hangout with my biological father who gave up his rights

never contacting or reaching out to

meeting him while I was twenty-four years old

but he never lived up to being an awesome dad.

Continously moving here, there, and everywhere in order for my stepdad

who adopted me when l was two years old

to follow whatever construction, building houses, septic, electrical, irrigation, and so much more.

Having endless arguments with him

and hurting his feelings because I used to tell him that he can't tell me what to do because he isn't my real biological father

wasn't until l became an adult that I realized that I was in the wrong for that because here's is a man who married my mother adopted her three children and loved them just as much as his own children beforehand.

I remember the days of living with roaches and

Waiting on the 15th for mom's stamps to come

Wearing hand me down clothes and

Jackets over my shirts because they had holes

Walking for miles in the same shoes

Because we had no money for new ones

I would stand at the screen door of the rundown house

We lived in and sing songs of hope, hoping

God would blink his eye

And life would change

No more roaches, no more hunger for food or success

I guess He finally blinked..

Or He gave the strength to endure

I like to think both.


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