An Alliteration Alphabet!

 An Alliteration Alphabet

Allusive analogies ascribed

Burping bellowing beaches bitterly

Consuming constant considerations

Discerning delicious delicacies

Ecstatic energetically entering embryonic endeavors

Frantically fusing falsehoods for facts

Graciously guffawing gravity

Habitually hankering hunching hungrier

Itching intensively into inadvertence

Jealously jaunting jesters

Kelpies knowingly knocking kappas kraken

Langorously ludriciously laughable learning life lusty

Maliciously materializing munitions mechanisms

Narcissistically noting nothing

Orangutans objectively organizing orientation

Prometheus possessing pyre past Predominant-Power

Questioning quackery quavering quaint

Ravashingly rampaging rapidly rousingly rebelling

Systematically salvaging sage sayings

Tremendously trifling tainted tortured trends

Uniquely unitied universal uprightness

Vindicating visualizations vouchesafed via vigorous viligante

Whimsical wryly witingly writing wandering words

Xylems xylograph xylophone xyloid

Yearning yawning yelling yodeling 

Zeus zigzagging Zen-fully.


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