Can You Dig His? Can you dig his drumming, strumming, and guitar plucking? Can you dig his hep rhythms and rhymes in his songs, and poetry? Can you dig his radness? Can you dig his superbly melodies and harmonies syncs? Can you dig his hippie mentality? Can you dig him jamming out and playing his music? Can you dig his agnostic, atheistic vibes? Can you dig his thoughts, beliefs, ideology on life? Can you dig his love is love or free love sentiment? Can dig you his usage of hippie terminology still because he was and still is a real life hippie? Can you dig his love, devotion, and passion for reading all sorts of things? Can you dig his thoughts on what is real poetry verses hack poetry? Can you dig his interests in serial killers? Can you dig his intrigueness of cults religions, mythologies, folktales, and fairytales? Can you dig his oneness with nature and the universe? Can you dig his loving, careness, and kindness to his wife Donna Cox? Can you dig his crazyness an...
Can You Dig Her? Can you dig her original orchestrated rhythms and rhymes? Can you dig her harmoniously, harvested melodies? Can you dig her stupendously performed spoken words? Can you dig her thought-provoking and mind-blowing meanings? Can you dig her passion and devotion towards Archeology and Paleontology? Can you dig her love and giddiness she feels while excavating artifacts, bones, and fossils? Can you dig her willingness to help other poets and writers out by having had an online open mic night for the past fourteen years? Can you dig her demeanor of kindness, caring, and giving completely unbiased interpretations of those readers on her broadcast? Can you dig her supporting others like herself out of the kindness of her own heart? Can you dig all of her creations not just her writings and spoken words like her wonderful custom-made costumes? Can you dig her listening to and thoroughly enjoying her favorite songs? Can you dig her not ever thinking that being a creat...
She Be My, I Be Her! She be my Gaia I be her Uranus She be my Tethys I be her Oceanus She be my Rhea I be her Kronos She be my Hera I be her Zeus She be my Athena I be her Perseus and Hercules She be my Aphrodite I be her play thing She be my Artemis I be her bow and quiver She be my Demeter I be her Eleusis' hospitality She be my Persephone I be her Hades She be my Amphitrite I be her Poseidon She be my Muses I be her inspirations She be my Goddess I be her God She be my Queen I be her King!
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