Halloween Villanelle

 Halloween Villanelle

Spooky boos, and cadavers creepy cries

apparitions cackle devilishly

frightful screams, and scary eyes.

Phantasms and phantoms prank disguises

living, dead, all things supernatural

spooky boos, and cadavers creepy cries.

Scary screams and nightmarish demises

haunted hayrides and eerie candy houses

frightful screams, and scary eyes.

Blood-curlding boogeyman beasts spies

on everything and everyone 

spooky boos, and cadavers creepy cries

Alarming afraid afterlifes arises

as veil's thinness opens up

frightful screams, and scary eyes.

Harvest, ancestral, and death's worship

evil spirits warded off for protection

spooky boos, and cadavers creepy cries

frightful screams, and scary eyes.


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