My Travelling Days

 My Traveling Days!

Seeing while soaking in serene sunsets, sunrises, and mesmerizing majestic moonsets, moonrises at sea and on land

watching dolphins, whales, sharks, and flying fish surface and submerge while doing flips, tricks, talking to each other, and even swimming and flying next our ship

sea snakes slithering on ocean's top

seagulls hunting their meals on top and underneath it and flying next to and behind  our ship

staring and absorbing in horizon's beauty

cloud-observing, catching shaped glimpses of everything and swearing that l saw Salvador Dali's paintings, Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, and Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening, repetitiously 

pulling in and out of foreign and domestic ports

enjoying enduring endeavors of different and similar cultural festivities

meeting, greeting, and conversing with people from all over the world

not always able to speak the native tongues there, but luckily for me they spoke American English as well

seeking and finding spectacular sights to stare at, appreciate it, and contemplate over

consuming connoisseurs culinary creations of all kinds

learning their ways of life, rules, and regulations

Dancing, drinking and partying at their clubs and bars

gambling at their finest casinos

having traveled most of the world I feel like a stranger everywhere I go, especially in my homeland!


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