What Are Allusions?
What are Allusions?
Aphrodite asked Arjuna
belligerently as if she had been drinking with Dionysus and smoking a
hallucinogenic herb
catering to Cupid's demands by allowing him to make lovestruck by striking you with his arrows and becoming stoic
Dazhbog was spreading his warmth when all of a sudden he was washed away by a powerful hurricane that had been created by Njord
Ecstatically enlivening the attributes of Emer while receiving the protection and fertility of Cybelle
Feridun asked Fatima when and if he would succeed in slaying Zohak so that he would know when the correct time was to overtake the thief
Gorgons played out in the courtyard for all to see and become stone in hopes of not being categorized by Rig
Hanuman met Hathor along the shore of the Nile where she brought him back with a single breath
Iris had been seduced by Hermes' poetry and she finally gave into having sex with him and in doing so she would be involved in a ritual to Pusti
Jesters discussed Jorgmungandr's capture at Ragnarol and twisted up thr myth so severely by making it seem to be a metaphorical hajj
Kali finally defeated Krishna with the help of Erlick
Loki tricked Sebek into fighting Lucifer which lead to Hades and Orisis escorting into them Hell
Minerva teamed up with Ares and annihilated Zeus, Seth, and Abraham
Nemain joined forces with Badb Fudo-Myoo and Khosedam to overcome Kishmo-jin
Oedipus met Odysseus at Delphi where the oracle predicted their future about them becoming intimate lovers and that they should continue following their motto
Poseidon's greatest miracle was a world-wide, never-ending flood which consisted of overwhelming tsunamis, monsoons, and hurricanes, however even the screams of agony and anguish of all the land creatures would not make him stop
Quetzalcoatl quenched quaveringly for his daily quart of human's blood in which he receives from his worshippers sacrifice in order to aeq
Ra, Horus, Aten, Apollo, Mithra, Krishna, Christ, Yahweh, Mirsa, Jehovah, and Ocelet were all created out of a primitive response to natural phenomenon of the sun, which were sung generations after generations until mankind evolved to the point to where he could write, in which these songs became plays for the theater
Sextus Empiricus had been correct in waking up the world by teaching everyone to live as skeptics
Thor thoroughly thwarted thatches tediously
timely, and without a thought
Usnisa uncouthly unconstructed the world to help make humanity understand that they must care about their milieu
Vishnu valiantly vigorously visioned vaingloriously vanished the rav
Wawki wallowing wickedly wrangling without withering walruses askew
Xolotl gave into Xena's seduction and birthing her demi-god, however he had just smoked his opium fix
Yahweh vociferously yelled at toddlers to shut up and to go away
Zoroaster supply zonked his wayward followers on their head and their heads were all abuzz.
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