Halloween Spooky boos, creepy coos tricky treats, sugary sweets spine-chilling thrills, spell-binding spills blood-curdling screams, nightmarish dreams gruesome gores, haunted lores misty midnights, foggy twilightss apparitions cackle, yiping jackals bizarre beasts, macabre feasts phantoms screech, phantasms breach scarecrows shock, spirits gawk supernatural superstitions terrify missions autumn, death, ancestoral worship black cats, rats, and bats roam around freely haunted houses, hayrides, rouse vaunted death's darkness, devil's harkness wicked werewolves howls, growls dreadful demons disguised as seamens jackolaterns shine, veil's thinness entwines frightful fairies aflutter, clutter stutters ghastly, ghoully, ghostly, grisly, goblins mischievously frequenting cemeteries, tormenting graves' tombstones, cadavers corpses remains, imps misbehavior witches, warlocks, spellcrafty wizardry like everything that goes bump in the night or those freaky ...